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A digital collage photo by Charlie Fitz. There is a vintage sepia photograph in the background of doctors in light robes, head and face coverings. At the front and bottom of the image is a photo of Charlie's face in colour, with a straw hat on. Her head is attached to a black and white image of a nurse putting a facemask on a patient in a bed. In between her shoulder there is text, which says "it's all in your head".

This project is a collection of digital collages made in 2020, followed by digital collages made in 2022, including some assisted-self portraits.  


hey are made using personal and public archival materials and explore the experience of medical gaslighting. 


Several of the images accompany an article I wrote for dubble. 

Read or listen to the article here:

‘It’s All in Your Head’ – The Dangerous Legacy of the ‘Sick Role’

The work is in a continual dialogue with my research in medical humanities. Exploring the relationship between gender, society and illness via the history of witchcraft, hysteria and modern medical gaslighting.

It's all in your head
digital collage, July 2020

Collage by Charlie Fitz. An old sepia photograph of a white woman with short brown hair in a long, black short-sleeved dress. She is duplicated in three positions, ducking and putting her arms out, avoiding the three floating in colour naked cherubs surrounding her. The cherubs each hold a sign saying 'hysteria' in blue lettering on a white background.

Hysterical Cherubs
digital collage, July 2020

A collage by charlie Fitz of an old newspaper cut out, to the left of the image is a man pointing at a women, as if telling her off. She is lower down and you can see the back of her head. To the right there is the sentence "It is not your fault - but you must repay the debt!" Repeated 6 times changing slightly each time and getting small each time until it reads, "it is your fault - you must repay your debt! It is all in your head."

It is not your fault

digital collage, July 2020

digital collage, 

Be Well
digital collage, 

For enquiries contact:

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© 2024 by Charlie Fitz

Disclaimer: this website is under going an accessibility audit in crip time, as the artist who runs it has an energy limiting illnesses. 

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